'Thin' people can often appear like a different species. They have privileges they're unaware of and many of them are unsupportive of the body positive movement.
However, whilst I still agree there are more clothing shops, clothing styles and societal acceptance available for thinner people, they still have their place within body positivity.
Recently I have learnt that I have been ignorant to what body positive means. I used to think that thinner people weren't allowed to talk about it because they already had perfect bodies.
I have written this as an apology to all of my thinner friends who I have put in a box and labelled them thin and perfect, and disallowed them to feel insecure and imperfect, just because they were perfect to me. I have said things in the past such as 'You all look the same to me' which I know now to be hurtful as you are not the same. You are all individuals with different shapes and styles. You are all beautiful.
I have told friends to shut up when they attempt to express how they feel about their body and for that I am very sorry. You are allowed to have insecurities and you should have a safe space to talk about those things as you have given me one.
My biggest support in all of my body positive endeavours come from my thinner friends. They're support has given me the confidence to do many things that I'd never thought I'd do, such as; starting this blog, trampolining and applying for the Miss British Beauty Curve pageant. (Which is coming up very soon eeek).
I'd like to publicly thank my sister Betty and soul mate Izz who take all of my Instagram photos, and Charlotte who approves them. As thinner people, they don't need to read my plus size advice blog posts or follow my journey on Instagram, but they do anyway and they provide me with very loving, helpful and insightful feedback. Thank you for always being there to support me.
Other significant people include Zoe, Kirstie, Chaz and Jen. These girls have recently provided me with a loving environment, endless support and a fabulous spag bol.
I think what I'm trying to say is that there doesn't have to be a divide between 'fat' and 'thin' in terms of being worthy of a journey. People have their own story and I am so glad I know that now. I will no longer think that a thin person isn't deserving of a body positive journey and I will continue to support my friends in all of their exciting endeavours. I could have lost friends through my ignorance, please don't put yourself in that position.
Please continue to support our thinner sisters through their lives and body positive adventures.
Rebecca x
However, whilst I still agree there are more clothing shops, clothing styles and societal acceptance available for thinner people, they still have their place within body positivity.
Recently I have learnt that I have been ignorant to what body positive means. I used to think that thinner people weren't allowed to talk about it because they already had perfect bodies.
I have written this as an apology to all of my thinner friends who I have put in a box and labelled them thin and perfect, and disallowed them to feel insecure and imperfect, just because they were perfect to me. I have said things in the past such as 'You all look the same to me' which I know now to be hurtful as you are not the same. You are all individuals with different shapes and styles. You are all beautiful.
I have told friends to shut up when they attempt to express how they feel about their body and for that I am very sorry. You are allowed to have insecurities and you should have a safe space to talk about those things as you have given me one.
My biggest support in all of my body positive endeavours come from my thinner friends. They're support has given me the confidence to do many things that I'd never thought I'd do, such as; starting this blog, trampolining and applying for the Miss British Beauty Curve pageant. (Which is coming up very soon eeek).
I'd like to publicly thank my sister Betty and soul mate Izz who take all of my Instagram photos, and Charlotte who approves them. As thinner people, they don't need to read my plus size advice blog posts or follow my journey on Instagram, but they do anyway and they provide me with very loving, helpful and insightful feedback. Thank you for always being there to support me.
I think what I'm trying to say is that there doesn't have to be a divide between 'fat' and 'thin' in terms of being worthy of a journey. People have their own story and I am so glad I know that now. I will no longer think that a thin person isn't deserving of a body positive journey and I will continue to support my friends in all of their exciting endeavours. I could have lost friends through my ignorance, please don't put yourself in that position.
Please continue to support our thinner sisters through their lives and body positive adventures.
Rebecca x
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